62. PixelMax Anything is virtually possible with this immersive communications platform About us Startups was founded over 20 years ago by a multi-time entrepreneur. Today, our expert team of writers, researchers, and editors work to provide our 4 million readers with useful tips and information, as well as running award-winning campaigns. Founders: Shay O’Carroll, Andy Sands and Rob HiltonFounded: 2018Website: https://www.pixelmax.com/Everybody seems to be talking about hybrid working right now. PixelMax takes talking to a whole new level with its 3D technology – and it’s here to make remote and hybrid working effective for the long term.We’ve all experienced communication problems over the past couple of years, and for businesses this poses a very real risk. Workplace communications are vital for the smooth running of projects, events launches, and more, and that’s where PixelMax comes in.Launched in 2018 by Shay O’Carroll, Andy Sands, and Rob Hilton, PixelMax is an immersive communications platform. It uses 3D technology to solve real-world problems and streamline business communications. PixelMax is an immersive communications platform that uses 3D technology to solve real-world problems Instead of using many different communication channels, sharing (and losing) files, and crossing wires, PixelMax provides businesses with a central, unified platform to manage all communication, both internal and external. From 3D virtual events to unified comms and data visualisation, PixelMax makes communication exciting and easy.It may sound futuristic, and for good reason – PixelMax is at the forefront of immersive communications technology. It developed its immersive communications platform as a result of the pandemic, to combat the drastic changes happening in the technology industry. PixelMax has shown how communication can be digital, immersive, and 3D, and in doing so may have unlocked the secret to long-term hybrid working success As a result, PixelMax feels like a business with its finger on the pulse of the business world, ready with solutions to new challenges and equipped to fuel long-term growth in a remote and hybrid working environment.At a time when all eyes are on the remote versus office working debate, and businesses are quickly trying to adapt yet again, PixelMax is poised to make a real impact. PixelMax has shown how communication can be digital, immersive, and 3D, and in doing so may have unlocked the secret to long-term hybrid working success. We’ll be eagerly watching this 3D virtual space! What Does Your Business Need Help With? Project Planning Creating a Website Business Loan Business Bank Account Get Started Startups.co.uk can help your business succeed At Startups.co.uk, we’re here to help small UK businesses to get started, grow and succeed. As well as rounding up some of the biggest success stories in our annual Startups 100 list, we have resources to help new businesses get off the ground. Share this post facebook twitter linkedin